Host Cloud Media

in Minutes, Forever

The template with all you need to deploy an S3 bucket and cloudfront distribution in one command!

eLinkin $50 off  for the first 3150 customers (23 left)!

You COULD build it yourself...

+ 1 hr planning and designing infrastructure

+ 2 hrs setting up S3 bucket and getting the settings right

+ 2 hrs setting up Cloudfront and getting the settings right

+ 2 hrs debugging things not working

+ ∞ hrs doing it again and again...

= 7+ hrs of headaches...

There is an easier way

  1. Buy the eLinkin Template

    Clone it and deploy your media to the cloud!

  2. Move your Media to Folder

    Simply move your media to the "media" folder so the template knows what you want to upload.

  3. Run 'node main.js'

    Just go to your terminal, and run this one command.

  4. Uploaded!

    That's it - now you can focus more time on marketing and building!

The all-in-one media hosting kit

eLinkin Main Features

Media Hosting on AWS

The template uses S3 to store your media and Cloudfront to serve it.

Easy Uploads

Whenever you want to upload more media, simply run the command to resync your folder to the cloud!

Infrastructure as Code: Deploy in 1 minute!

We made the infrastructure for you. All you need to do is move your media to the folder and run the command

Control your Media

With AWS, you control what is in the cloud. No more guessing if your data was ACTUALLY deleted or not!

How It Works:

Add media. Run command. Get the link!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a compilation of frequently asked questions.

Save hours of thinking and start hosting your media in minutes, forever.

eLinkin $100 off  for the first 3150 customers (23 left)!


Host cloud media in minutes, forever!

$99$49/ one time
  • Host your media on S3/Cloudfront
  • AWS CDK infrastructure template
  • Unlimited lifetime usage
  • Automatic Github Repository Invitation
eLinkin logo
eLinkin is the go-to infrastructure template with all you need to deploy your media to the cloud in minutes.
Copyright © 2025. Made with ♥ by MemoryMaps. Powered by Suparepos!